Fall has a magical way of allowing us a fresh start, to re-boost our energy, and shake off the summer laziness. This probably comes from the feeling we got as kids during the back-to-school time of the year when the anticipation of new teachers, new friends and a new "year," provided a novel and comforting feeling. Although the days of recess, sitting at squeaky desks and note taking are over, we adults can still celebrate our own "new year" with little back-to-school styled upgrades and changes to sharpen our minds and bodies for the months to come. Here are six A-plus ways to restore that old back-to-school feeling! Class is in session!
1 - Organize and Update Your Supplies
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Source: College Lifestyles |
Updating and organizing your supplies will help create an easier more stress-free environment. It will prevent distractions when you're trying to focus and Get organized by storing loose papers, files, mail, or any other paper work you may have cluttering your space, into file boxes or some other type of storage space. Create and have little things that better manage your time, create less clutter, and are easy to locate.
2- Better Your Friendships
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Having friends will always be cool. But in our busy lives it’s easy to go weeks or even months without seeing our closest friends; it’s not like in school when we were walking the hallways and eating lunch with them every day. So now, focus on preserving the friendships you do have and making them stronger. Work out together, make it a point to actually have lunch twice a month, get together and make crafts, or just enjoy the fall weather by going on walks together. Friends are important because they remind us of our truest selves.
3 - Find a Favorite Subject
Try to make the time to learn something new. Remember when you wanted to learn French? Or wanted to learn how to sew? Maybe you want to dive into a something that interests you at work? Make a little bit of time out of your day or week to focus on a new subject that you want to learn more about. Expanding your knowledge will help you to set new goals and gain self-confidence. It can be anything from reading a book on the subject to taking a class. By this time next year, you will have learned a new talent or skill that you never thought you'd know! Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing: Cooking classes, glass blowing, guitar lessons, DIY projects
4 - Take Lunch
Taking your lunch to work is not only healthier for you but it could also save you tons of money. Lunch no longer has to consist of a boring bologna sandwich, a cheese stick and a juice box, instead make healthy and delicious versions of lunches that you enjoy eating, so that you can look forward to it the way you did in 4th period. Use whole grain bread instead of white for sandwiches, take last night’s sautéed chicken and toss it into a salad of greens and cherry tomatoes, have seasonal fruit as dessert. Here are some great ideas for grown-up brown bag lunches. Don’t forget to pack it with love!
5 - Have Recess
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Source:supercoolpets |
Just because the days of hide-and-go-seek, tag, and Red Rover are over, doesn’t mean that we still can’t have a blast doing physical activities. The Fall weather is a great time to go rollerblading, rock climbing, running, or take the dog for a hike through the foliage. Take a bikram yoga class (hot yoga) when it starts to get chilly outside, or go for a nice long bike ride. Taking an hour or two out of your day or least a couple times a week, to dedicate to a fun outdoor activity will make you feel more alive and in tune with your body.
6 - Be Best Dressed
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Source: Pinterest |